
little wonders

Thanks to everyone who came out to the Little Wonders opening and our holidazical party! Here are images of the pieces in the show (which will be uploaded over the next couple days) -- some are still available. Drop us a line if you're interested in purchasing -- nothing is over US$ 100!

Reuben Rude delivers yet again with this brilliant set of 3in. x 5in. framed pieces that spell out "METAL". They're US$ 100 each or US$ 450 for the set.

Santos Shelton brings us a smaller version of his skull-themed collages, hot on the heels of his solo show in Las Vegas. They're US$ 100 each.



Dyno is the latest newcomer to the fabric8 art gallery. A Vallejo-based artist and designer, he personifies (or animalifies?) himself as a cute, multi-colored dinosaur that finds itself in various situations. "Hard Work Can Never Be Cloned" and "The Wonder Is Still Out There" are both 8in. x 8in. pieces done with acrylic and ink. The top one is already sold but you can still get "Wonder" for US$ 90 by emailing us.


new from leecifer

Painter and custom toy guru Leecifer came by with these new 8x8s recently -- they're fun! We're digging the color palette and subject matter on "Moon and Stars" and "Mo and Bee". Done with acrylic on canvas, they're a nice deal at US$ 150 each. Email us for more info.


happy holidaze

Season's greetings! We've got lots going this month so visit our shop and website to fill your needs for gifts and fun! We're open everyday from 11-7 and until 10 this weekend.

Online Shopping Visit our fabric8 Bazaar website to shop online. We're constantly updating it with great tees that you can order from the comfort of your computer and have shipped anywhere. We wait in the Post Office line for you! Please place your order by December 18.

Free Music with Purchase We're giving away a music dropcard from Loveslap! Recordings with any purchase at fabric8. Movido, aka Mauricio Aviles and Charles Spencer, fill your ears with aural delight via "Movido Dubs".

Friday, December 12:: Mission Block Party Shops from 16th to 24th Streets in the Mission are staying open until 10PM. Come by fabric8 for some spiked hot chocolate, holiday beats, and a preview of Little Wonders!

Saturday, December 13:: Little Wonders Opening and Holidazical Party Join fabric8 and the artists we work with for a celebration of our latest art show, featuring pieces priced at US$ 100 and under, and of course the holidaze!

Wish Lists and Gift Certificates We're taking notes on what you'd like from fabric8 and will gladly pass it on to your loved ones. Alternately, get a fabric8 gift certificate so your loved one can choose what (s)he wants.


little wonders art show

Please join us on Saturday, December 13, 7-10PM to celebrate the holidaze and the opening of Little Wonders, a group art show featuring small works by 15 of our favorite artists. The pieces will be priced exceedingly well (as in nothing over US$ 100) so come on by to do some shopping and partying -- two of the season's primary activities!

We're also staying open late on Friday, December 12, as part of the Mission District's Get Local night. If you prefer a little less hubbub and a lot more attention, visit with us!


romanowski's small works for great minds

We are pleased to present "Small Works for Great Minds", a solo show by the ever-talented artist/DJ/producer/stylish dresser/nudist known as Romanowski. In addition to his extraordinary sense of design and humor, the show touches on the political and economic currents in the US. It's on display at fabric8 this month and is a must-see. Here is just a sampling of the exhibit::
"Rusted Turntable Assemblage", found object collage, 10.25in. x 27.25 in., US$ 650
"T-Boy Rusty", found object sculpture, 24in. x. 11.5in., US$ 275
"Dodge The Maverick", found object assemblage, 13.5in. x 18.5in., US$450
"Bank Emergency", found object assemblage, 8in. x 8in., US$ 350
"Sewing Parts", found object assemblage, 8in. x 8in., US$ 350
"Getting Things In Motion", found object assemblage, 9in. x 8in., US$ 350
"Good Food", found object assemblage and spray paint stencil, 19in. x 9.5in., US$ 375
"Plastic Tray Box 1", found object assemblage and spray paint stencil, 10in. x 10in., US$ 150
"Plastic Tray Box 2", found object assemblage and spray paint stencil, 10in. x 10in., US$ 150
"Plastic Tray Box 3", found object assemblage and spray paint stencil, 10in. x 10in., US$ 150

romanowski opening pix

Thanks to everyone who came out for the opening of "Small Works for Great Minds"! The show is up until December 21 and is AMAZING so come on by fabric8 to check it out.
Carrie, Romanowski and Cecilia
Sori Kim and David Choong Lee
Christina Moretta and Daniel Dent
Steve and Lon
Merkley and his lady
Paul Gallo, Nuella, and Honey
Stacey, Stef, and friend
Sean Somers aka DIA and posse